

3 Ways Virtual Care Improves Patient Experience

Charlie Bedell

Healthcare has experienced dramatic changes in recent years – including the way medical services are delivered. Virtual care, also known as telehealth or telemedicine, is a major example of these changes. Thanks to recent advancements and more patient demand for these services since COVID, telehealth has revolutionized the patient experience.

By using technology to connect patients and healthcare providers, virtual care has made healthcare more accessible, convenient, and cost-effective. But the benefits of virtual care go beyond these practical advantages. It also improves patient experience in several ways.

Keep reading to learn three ways virtual care improves the patient experience.

1. Increased access to care

Americans spend almost an hour on average traveling to and from medical appointments. In contrast, telehealth visits average around 13-15 minutes. That’s a significant difference.

One of the most important advantages of virtual care is increased access to care, especially for people who live in rural or remote areas or have mobility issues.

Patients no longer need to travel long distances to see a healthcare provider or wait for hours in a waiting room. They can now connect with their healthcare providers with any device and from anywhere that has an internet connection. This saves a significant amount of time, money, and effort for both patients and providers.

Virtual care has also made it possible for patients to access specialized care that was previously unavailable or inaccessible. For example, a patient living in a remote area can now consult with a specialist in a different city or country without having to travel. This increased access to care has improved patient experience by reducing barriers to healthcare.

It also ensures patients receive the care they need promptly without having to wait weeks, months, or even years to travel to specialized providers.

2. Improved continuity of care

Virtual care has improved continuity of care – it’s much easier for patients to receive ongoing care, especially for chronic conditions.

Many Americans live in communities without easy access to the healthcare they need. But virtual care makes accessing providers on a regular basis less of a burden.

By using virtual care, healthcare providers can monitor their patients' conditions remotely and intervene early when necessary. Patients can also receive follow-up care virtually, reducing the need for frequent visits to healthcare facilities. 

And perhaps most important, patients are more likely to keep their virtual care visits. Without the need to travel to and from an appointment or wait to see someone in person, patients are more willing to keep up with their ongoing care needs.

3. Enhanced patient satisfaction

Virtual care has enhanced patient satisfaction by providing more convenient and personalized care. In fact, a recent study found that more than 70% of patients were satisfied with their virtual care visits during the past few years.

Patients appreciate the flexibility of virtual care because it allows them to schedule appointments at their convenience and avoid the hassle of traveling to healthcare facilities.

Virtual care also improves patient engagement and satisfaction by providing more personalized care. Patients can communicate with their healthcare providers in real-time which allows for more individualized care plans and faster resolution of issues.

Patients can also access their health information and track their progress using digital tools which increases their engagement and sense of control over their care.

Virtual care has given the healthcare industry more options to provide care, improving the patient experience in several ways. With the widespread adoption of telemedicine, patients can now receive quality medical care from the comfort of their homes or anywhere they choose.

This has reduced the need for physical visits to hospitals and clinics, minimized waiting times, and increased convenience for patients. Virtual care has also made it easier for patients to access specialists and receive timely diagnoses and treatment for their conditions.

The use of remote monitoring and digital health tools has improved patient outcomes and allowed for more individualized treatment. As technology continues to advance, the potential benefits of virtual care for patients will only increase. 

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